Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First time home buyers need to take advantage NOW.

Hi everyone...

I wanted to just touch base on the interest rates quickly. Bank of Canada has been placing two articles a week in the National Post and Citizen as well as some of the more popular papers in the Toronto area. It has become recognized that the market is severely improving as the days go by. What does this mean? As the market gains strength again and more homes start selling in shorter periods of time Bank of Canada is going to raise the mortgage interest rates. I think it is important as a Buyer that you understand that you can save thousands of dollars on your mortgage in 5 years by saving a percent on your interest rate. Now is the time to buy. I think if you are looking to make a move or upgrade to a larger home you should consider it now. Not only are you going to get to take advantage of a Sellers market where there is not much available on the market you are also going to get to capitalize on a very low interest rate. Don't wait to long we can only foreshadow so far into the future. Take advantage of what we know today!

If you are looking to purchase a home keep Kemptville, North Gower, Osgoode in mind we have lovely communities out this way and the house prices are very appealing. Logon to to apply to become a vip buyer and lets get shopping!

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